Use a pound/sharp/hashtag without a ! to write comments
# This is a comment
shell variables
Whitespace matters!
Use $VAR to output the value of variable VAR
Display text with echo
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NAME="value" echo "$NAME"
Types? What types?
Bash variables are untyped
Operations are contextual
Everything is string
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FOO=1 $FOO + 1 # error!
Use the expr command to evaluate expressions
Part of coreutils
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FOO=1 expr $FOO + 1 2
User input
Use the read command get user input
“-p” is for the optional prompt
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read -p "send: " FOO # type “hi” and enter
echo "sent: $FOO" sent: hi
$(cmd) evaluates the command cmd inside, and substitutes the output into the script.
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FOO=$(expr 1 + 1) echo "$FOO" 2
conditional checks
Evaluates an expression. Also synonymous with []
Sets exit status to 0 (true), 1 (false)
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-eq == -ne != -gt > -ge >= -lt < -le <=
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test zero = zero; echo $? 0 # 0 means true test zero = one; echo $? 1 # 1 means false
“boolean” ops
&& and || for shell, -a and -o for test/[]
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[ 0 -lt 1 ] && [ 0 -gt 1 ]; echo $? 1
[ 0 -lt 1 -o 0 -gt 1 ]; echo $? 0
What if…?
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if [ “$1” -eq 79 ]; then echo “nice” fi
…And what ifn’t
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if [ “$1” -eq 79 ]; then echo “nice” else echo “darn” fi
…And what ifn’t but if
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if [ “$1” -eq 79 ]; then echo “nice” elif [ “$1” -eq 42 ]; then echo “the answer!” else echo “wat r numbers” fi
No one likes long if statements…
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read -p "are you 21?" ANSWER case "$ANSWER" in “yes”) echo "i give u cookie";; “no”) echo "thats illegal";; “are you?”) echo “lets not”;; *) echo "please answer" esac
for loops
for all your stuff in stuffs
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SHEEP=("one" "dos" "tre") for S in $SHEEP do echo "$S sheep..." done
supports ranges too
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n=0 for x in {1..10} do n=$(expr $x + $n) done echo $n
while loops
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while true do echo "nightmare " done
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function greet() { echo "hey there $1" } greet “sysadmin decal”
hey there sysadmin decal
script args are stored the same way as with functions
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# in terminal ls . b.txt a.txt c.txt # ls $1 | sort # in terminal ./ . a.txt b.txt c.txt
Use > to output to somewhere else, like a text file!
echo "hello" > out.txt
Use < to take input from a file!
sort < file
Use >> to append output to a file. If file is empty, works the same as >
echo "hello" >> out.txt
Take output of first command and “pipe” it into the second one, connecting stdin and stdout